17 Aug In conversation with Lucy Bingle, LinkedIn expert
In our latest webinar in the Sefiani series, “Conversations with Experts about Communication that Matters,” we delivered insights into optimising LinkedIn for individuals and companies looking to enhance their brand and thought leadership on LinkedIn. Sefiani group practice lead, Nicole Schulz, in conversation with LinkedIn expert, Lucy Bingle unearthed LinkedIn best practice.
They uncovered these key insights:
- Put your best foot forward by ensuring your profile is set up to demonstrate your capabilities
- Build your network of connections based on quality not quantity
- People thrive on LinkedIn when their posts have a regular rhythm, consistently
- Video content is six times more likely to be engaged with than written content
- Create a LinkedIn strategy for your business, the same way you would a business strategy
- Company pages should be considered a microsite of an organisation’s website
- Companies should complete analytics reports on their pages every eight weeks
- Encourage employees to engage with the LinkedIn strategy – they are your biggest brand ambassadors!
- LinkedIn is a long game, do not expect increased results overnight
- Move forward by OPTIMISING, PERSONALISING and SOCIALISING on the LinkedIn platform
If your LinkedIn profile and strategy is needing a spruce-up, reach out to [email protected] to learn more about our executive profile page development and LinkedIn strategy, regular content development and posting for you if required, LinkedIn audits and LinkedIn employee engagement programs.