Internal communications audit of BaptistCare  

Image of four smiling female BaptistCare employees

CHALLENGE:  BaptistCare, a leading Christian-based care organisation serving aged and disadvantaged people, engaged Sefiani to undertake a comprehensive audit of its employee communications, with the purpose of gaining insights on any employee pain points and communication challenges as well as provide recommendations for improved approaches and resourcing to boost cut through and achieve higher levels of engagement.

STRATEGY: We undertook qualitative research, interviewing BaptistCare’s CEO, five general managers and 10 senior managers. More than 3, 000 employees were also invited to participate in online quantitative research. A detailed report and presentation were prepared along with recommendations.

IMPACT: The findings showed variations in work culture across different sites that needed to be addressed. Many wanted to see a simpler approach to communications. They also were keen to hear more regularly from the senior leadership team and senior managers. The large number of internal campaigns planned were prioritized and some cancelled. Also, recommendations were made for change of voice, style, and method of comms as well as feedback mechanisms and adding new skill sets to the team.