08 Feb Sefiani helps launch campaign calling for more women in government
When Sefiani was invited to be the pro bono communications partner to launch the Women for Election call for more female representation in Australian government at all levels, we immediately said yes.
“At Sefiani we pride ourselves on being agents of change, and that means working on communication that matters for positive change-makers. The Women for Election movement and training program for women aspiring to political office is one we as a team at Sefiani totally support,” said Mandy Galmes, Sefiani Managing Director.
Women for Election CEO Licia Heath said: “Australians are ready for more women in office; in order to make that vision a reality, we need to change our idea of what power looks like in Australia. We’ve seen women reclaim it by marching in Canberra, and now we want them to exercise it by taking a seat in each of Australia’s political chambers, be that Council, State or Federal.
“As we wait for the Federal Election to be called, it should be front of mind for every voting Australian: what change do I want to see in the world? Who do I want to see on the ballot in future elections? How can my vote help achieve that vision by identifying and supporting female candidates on the ballot sheet?” said Ms Heath.
Research commissioned by Women for Election revealed Australians see a distinct problem with the lack of gender diversity in politics, with a majority of those surveyed (61%) concerned that women currently hold only 36% of positions across all levels of government. Approximately half (49%) don’t think their voice is represented by today’s political leaders.
Australians also see a clear solution for increasing women’s representation: 44% of those surveyed said they have a woman in their life who they think would make a great political representative, and one in two believe more women elected to public office will effectively address gender inequality in Australia today.
Created by BMF the integrated campaign spans TV, OOH, Print and Social and asks: “What does Power look like?”
Ahead of yesterday’s launch Sefiani drove a first wave of PR activity in December 2021, underpinned by the research conducted by Fiftyfive5.
Jumping on the news agenda in combination with the research release, Sefiani also pitched perspectives from Licia Heath following the release of Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ report and the NSW Premier’s cabinet reshuffle. Sefiani secured opinion pieces for Women for Election, including a nationally-syndicated piece from The Sydney Morning Herald across other Nine mastheads, as well as interviews nationally on ABC Radio.
To launch the campaign this week, Sefiani secured high-profile coverage across national media, including AAP which syndicated to high-profile outlets including 7NEWS, The New Daily and The Canberra Times and separately Women’s Agenda. Licia also appeared on Studio 10, bringing the total media impressions to over 21 million within a day of campaign launch.
Sefiani also worked closely with BMF to develop assets for social media, launching the campaign on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, with strong engagement and posts from influential people and organisations such as Georgie Dent and The Women’s Institute on launch day.
To find out more about the campaign from Women for Election, BMF, THE BR&ND CO., Sefiani, Havas Media, Apparent and Fifty5Five, head to: https://powerlikeyouveneverseen.org/