28 Apr Sefiani launches change communications practice in response to Covid-19 crisis
In response to business disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Sefiani has launched a Change Communications Practice to help organisations undergoing transformation.
It will operate in close collaboration with our award-winning Issues and Crisis Management Practice and comprise a seasoned team, of agency CEO Robyn Sefiani and Sefiani Directors Nick Owens and Sarah Craig (pictured). Advisory services may also be drawn from the Sefiani Senior Advisory Panel, including newest member and senior journalist/change leader Sean Aylmer, who led the digital transformation of Fairfax.
The launch was prompted by the findings of the EY Global Capital Confidence Barometer, which showed that 72% of companies researched have major transformation initiatives underway, many triggered as a result of revenue pressures caused by business disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic and to protect ongoing profitability.
Sefiani helped many companies through major change programmes during the Global Financial Crisis and we know that communications plays a critical role in successful business transformation and change management. We’re seeing history repeating itself now, but this time on an even broader and deeper scale.
Agile companies are innovating and commencing transformation programs now to ensure they not only survive the current crisis and economic downturn that will surely follow, but be as well positioned as possible to emerge strongly when the recovery eventually comes.
Sefiani’s Change Communications practice offers robust change communications strategy, planning and implementation to engage with employees, unions, shareholders, customers and suppliers, as well as government and regulators where appropriate.