14 Mar Rest Industry Super case study
REST Industry Super engaged Sefiani to help raise the fund’s profile with current and prospective members and employers, with the objective to cement REST as the fund of choice for all Australians.
With nearly two million members and $50bn under management, REST Industry Super is one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds. To support engagement with all stakeholders (and within the context of a challenging and fast-moving regulatory environment), Sefiani developed an integrated communications campaign spanning corporate affairs, government relations and member and consumer engagement.
Working closely with REST’s communications team, Sefiani developed and launched two annual platforms: Women and Super and The Journey Begins, designed to target REST’s core member audiences –young women and wealth builders – and Bridge the Gap and The Future of Work, reaching SME and large employers respectively.
Web content, video content, guidance materials, events, graphics, and targeted digital activity supported the campaigns, which were bolstered by a full suite of media office support, including issues and crisis counsel, sustained media outreach and agenda surfing.
The consumer-targeted campaign sees REST regularly commenting on topical issues in the media (such as housing affordability and the gender retirement gap) while evergreen video content drives website engagement year-round. The campaign has resulted in improved member engagement and uptake of key REST products including insurance and financial advice.
Complementing this, the employer targeted platforms have also raised REST’s media profile, resulting in increased engagement at REST’s employer breakfasts, and enabling REST to maintain and regularly win new tender contracts.