19 Nov Top 4 tips for your PR internship
By Aiza Rusli, Account Manager
So you’ve scored your first PR internship. Congratulations! Now all you need to do is learn how to navigate this new territory. Here are four sure fire ways to make a fantastic (or terrible) impression during your internship:
1. Put your hand up for everything
To paraphrase the internet: all the interning tips in the world won’t work unless you do. The key is to actively and voluntarily pitch in – and do so with a real passion to learn. One of my favourite questions from interns is: “Would you like me to help you with [specific task]?”
Try to: Check in with your team frequently – “Is there anything else you’d like me to help with?”
Try not to: Surf the internet for an hour until someone actually asks you to do something.
2. Be (the best professional version of) yourself
Authenticity is a wonderful thing – never be afraid to be yourself. As an intern, your best bet is to be authentic, friendly and open with your new colleagues, while keeping in mind that the office is a professional environment.
Try to: Be (the best professional version of) yourself.
Try not to: Regale your new colleagues with amusing tales of your most recent Friday night shenanigans.
3. Figure out the big picture
Ask questions. Do your best to genuinely understand how each task you’re working on contributes to the bigger picture. Everything you do while interning is a chance for you to grow your understanding of the industry.
Try to: Ask questions and develop an understanding of how each task you’re working on contributes to the big picture.
Try not to: Trivialise the importance of any ‘small’ tasks you’re asked to assist with
4. Ask for feedback
Don’t worry if you’re not perfect at everything – no one is! As a rule, it’s good to be open to suggestions for improvement that come your way. However, if you really want to impress, ask for constructive feedback when submitting your finished work: “It would be great if you could share your feedback with me – I’d really like to improve!”
Try to: Actively solicit constructive feedback about your work
Try not to: Take it personally when your team suggests ways to improve